CupOfTherapy to cooperate with the design giant MUJI

MUJI, one of the world’s most famous lifestyle chains, has signed a cooperation agreement with the Finnish CupOfTherapy concept. Masaaki Kanai, President of MUJI, visited Finland last autumn also in order to get to know the concept. He fell in love with it so that MUJI will launch a CupOfTherapy book in Japan in June. In addition, events will be arranged to support the message of the book.

CupOfTherapy, which has been awarded the Design from Finland label, has become a social media phenomenon with its therapeutic pictures in 2017, with drawings of animals and striking texts by visual artist and graphic artist Matti Pikkujämsä and psychotherapists Antti Ervasti and Elina Rehmonen.

“It’s amazing that Finnish design and mental health work receive such significant support from a recognised company. We are truly grateful and happy about the opportunities that this cooperation opens up. Our goal of promoting global well-being has been achieved faster and more spectacularly than we ever dared to hope” says Ervasti.

In addition to both English and Japanese texts, the book named Dai Jo Bu, contains 110 images. The book will be launched on the Japanese market at the beginning of June and the release will be held on June 3rd in the store of MUJI.

The book titled “Is everything OK?” is casual and a demonstration of a warm sense of sympathy, which is also used as an answer: “All is well”. One of the key messages in the book is the importance of bringing up issues and dialogues.

The pictures and texts of the book encourage people to reflect on their own life and find comfort, encouragement and joy.

During the spring and summer, CupOfTherapy is actively featured in Japan and is in the middle of discussions with a local therapy company regarding the issues of the mind’s well-being. The goal is to continue good cooperation in Japan in the autumn as well.

“It’s incredible that we start cooperating with MUJI. I have long admired them and greatly appreciate the design, aesthetics and philosophy of MUJI. The fact that Kanai has read about me in the papers and wanted to visit my studio during his visit to Finland last autumn was great. I’m really touched by the fact that the visit led to cooperation, and I get significant recognition as an artist – it’s definitely one of the highlights of my career” says Pikkujämsä.