Plywood Print x CupOfTherapy
CupOfTherapyn kuvituksia on nyt saatavana Plywood Printin tuottamina upeina painatuksina koivuvanerille. Plywood Print on suomalainen yritys, jonka koko tuotantoketju on Suomessa, materiaalit mukaanlukien. Jokaisen myydyn CupOfTherapy -printin tuotoista 20% lahjoitetaan MIELI ry:n toimintaan mielenterveystoiminnan tukemiseen. Printit ovat saatavilla joko 30x40 cm tai 50x70 cm koossa.
CupOfTherapy's illustrations are now available from Plywood Print as a print on birch plywood. Plywood Print is a Finnish company, whose whole supply chain is in Finland, materials included. From the profits of each CupOfTherapy print sold, 20% are donated to MIELI ry, a Finnish non-profit organization focusing on mental health. The prints are available in two sizes, either 30x40 cm or 50x70 cm.
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I'm too tired to talk so let's hug
My moment of calm
What do I want from my life
You're enough